You're in

good hands!

Our passion is to repair and paint the body of your vehicle to bring it back to a flawless state. You drive our reputation!

Car Painting and Bodyshop

Whether for accident repair or aesthetic improvement, we offer you the best on the market.

15 years of experience

We operate our shop since 2002 and the members of our team have a great experience in auto body repair.

Fast and efficient

We treat your vehicle with the greatest attention and communicate quickly with you for the evolution of your repairs.


You drive, our reputation!

Automobiles VL is a car bodyshop located in Saint-Eustache in the laurentians on the north shore of Montreal. In business since 2002, he specializes in collision damage repair and vehicle painting. The reliable and experienced team of Automobiles VL is always at your service to offer you the best work for the repair and painting of cars. your vehicle. Our body shop on the north shore of Montreal is known for its quick and courteous service.

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Questions fréquentes

When you and your vehicle are safe, contact us for an estimate and for more details on best practices for your situation.
Automobiles VL maintains an excellent relationship with insurance companies and can advise you in your efforts. We use the Audatex system for fast and accurate estimates.
Yes, courtesy cars are available to make your life easier during repairs.



Reach out to us today if you are interested in a career in the car body and paint industry.


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